Travelling with kids can be a thrilling adventure, but it also comes with unique health challenges. Whether you're flying across the globe or taking a road trip, keeping your little ones healthy on the go is essential for a stress-free and fun holiday. Here are 10 top tips to ensure your kids stay happy, healthy, and energised while traveling. 


1. Stay Hydrated

One of the biggest challenges when traveling is maintaining proper hydration, especially during flights or long drives. Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and irritability, which are no fun for anyone!


- Bring reusable water bottles for each family member and fill them up after airport security.

- Set reminders to take sips of water regularly, particularly during flights where air conditioning can dry out the body.

- Offer water-rich snacks like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelon to keep hydration levels up.


2. Pack Healthy Snacks

Fast food, service station and airport snacks aren't always the healthiest options, and kids may not feel their best after indulging in processed treats. Packing your own healthy snacks ensures they're eating nutrient-dense foods that will keep their energy levels stable.

Healthy Snack Ideas:

- Fresh fruit like apple slices, grapes, or bananas.

- Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or bell pepper strips.

- Whole-grain crackers with cheese or hummus.

- Nuts and seeds (if your child is not allergic).


3. Boost Their Immunity

Traveling often exposes kids to new environments, bacteria, and viruses, so keeping their immune systems strong is key. Before and during the trip, focus on immune-boosting practices to give them an extra layer of defence.

Immune-Boosting Tips:

- Elderberry gummies can help strengthen their defences against colds.

- Vitamin C from citrus fruits, strawberries, or supplements is great for immune support.

- Probiotics can keep their gut healthy, which is closely linked to overall immunity. Consider yogurt, kefir, or a kid-friendly probiotic supplement.

- need a little extra support? we've got you with iron immunity 


4. Practice Good Hygiene 

With exposure to different germs in crowded spaces like airports, planes, and hotels, good hygiene is a must. Encourage kids to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their faces.

Hygiene Essentials:

- Hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.

- Disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces like airplane trays, armrests, and hotel doorknobs.

- Remind them to cough or sneeze into their elbow and avoid sharing utensils.


5. Keep Them Active

Traveling often involves long periods of sitting, whether it's on a plane, in the car, or waiting at an airport. Keeping kids active is important to burn off energy and prevent restlessness.

Ways to Stay Active:

- At airports, take a brisk walk around the terminal or encourage them to stretch between flights.

- If you’re on a road trip, schedule regular stops at rest areas for some running around.

- Opt for hotels with pools or parks nearby, so kids can play and unwind after a long travel day.


6. Stick to a Sleep Routine 

Changes in time zones and excitement about new surroundings can disrupt a child’s sleep schedule. Good sleep is crucial for maintaining health and preventing crankiness.

Sleep Tips:

- Bring along familiar items like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal to create a sense of comfort.

- If you're traveling across time zones, try to gradually adjust their sleep schedule a few days before departure.

- Use an eye mask or portable white noise machine to block out light and noise in new environments.


7. Protect Their Skin from the Sun

Whether you're headed to the beach or hiking in the mountains, protecting your child's skin from the sun is crucial. Sunburn can cause discomfort and increase the risk of skin damage.

Sun Safety Tips:

- Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to all exposed skin 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours.

- Dress them in lightweight, long-sleeve clothing, hats, and sunglasses to shield them from the sun.

- Stay in the shade during peak sun hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.).


8. Have a Travel Health Kit Ready

Kids can be unpredictable, and minor injuries or illnesses can happen on the road. Having a well-stocked travel health kit ensures you're prepared for any bumps along the way.

Essentials for Your Travel Kit:

- Band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and gauze for minor cuts or scrapes.

- Motion sickness remedies like ginger chews or anti-nausea bands.

- Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, or antihistamines.

- Thermometer to check for fever and any medications they regularly need.


9. Encourage Healthy Eating While Travelling

Eating well while traveling can be tough, but it's essential to ensure your kids are getting the nutrition they need to stay energized and healthy.

Healthy Eating Tips:

- Choose restaurants that offer fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Buffets often have a wide variety of options.

- Encourage them to try new foods but balance it with familiar, healthy meals to avoid upset stomachs.

- Limit sugary treats and opt for healthier desserts like yogurt with fruit or a small piece of dark chocolate.


10. Keep the Stress Levels Low

Travel can sometimes be stressful for both parents and kids, but keeping stress levels in check can contribute to overall health. Kids often feed off their parents' emotions, so staying calm and flexible helps everyone have a smoother trip.

Stress-Reducing Ideas:

- Involve your kids in travel plans, so they know what to expect, which can reduce anxiety.

- Pack activities like books, colouring, or small toys to keep them entertained.

- Allow extra time for transitions, such as airport security or boarding, to avoid rushing.


With these tips, you'll be well-prepared to keep your little ones healthy and happy on your travels. Remember that flexibility is key, and staying mindful of their health needs will help ensure your trip is filled with joy, adventure, and cherished memories. Happy travels!


Ame Tully